Friday, December 14, 2007

liar thief slander

Now is it only holland michigan and the environmental chamber business that holds so many liers theves, embezzlers, back stabbing slanders, and murders??

Shelly in parts and logistics,said slandering and murdering people is OK because It's "Just Politics" She worked with ester H. who ron wiley said her husben died back in 89, Oh well

with all the dishonest people i met at thermotron if she reads the book
"23 minutes in hell"

Bill Wiese 23 minutes in Hell
23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese. Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of hell, ...... Purchase his complete testimony "23 Minutes in Hell" at - 103k - Cached - Similar pages

then she and shelly, (even mark lamers, and jerry sinzack) will see where they and most of their co-workers will will spend their retirement years and years..

Well guys,do u know anyone in the business that dosen't evulate that type of criminal behavior as (normal)
say fred plont says " gee p isn';t everyone a lier and a thief!!"

Greed V Johnson , tom bannish's dosne't matter who u lie cheat and steal and murder ..

so long as u get away with it and blame it on some one else..

he spent 3 years stealing , embezzling and lieing and slandering his co-workers and the customer..

But Randy Bunn of "Enseco" hired him and fired him after a few months..

So the robbery thief and embezzlement that was "OK" at THErMOtRON was not "OK " at the next few companies he worked at..

When dan ok eef, and Roger cannary libled and slandered me when i filed a claim with the labor commision..

they said that i "think i am better then these others.. !! (just because i think lying stealing and robbery is wrong..)

and if i didn't change my ways then they would "fire me"

He spent the last year after bannish and rouloffs conspired to defrad the salesman Bo bjarno. just becasue he was drunk alot.. gee this was normal.

Vergina Norris the final sales support person tom bannash helped drum out .. she left becsue tom bannish and gregory v johnson told her .. they were going to harrass and drum me out again..

dean Tripp said that's all tom bannish wanted to do as a manager .. was to "build a case against his co-workers"

Dean tripp left soon after.. tom bannish's Replacement arrived.. Berry wright..

When berry wright said what do u think about dean tripp?? i told dean lies to me and the customers, falsfies his working hours and travel hours, and he and gregg boy work on each others lies..but really "He 's been retired for the last 3 years .. but he likes the regular check!!

he now lives in farmington NM. and is 75 and waiting to go to hell.

i am surprised that some one hasn't walked into the office of thermotron and killed dan o'keef or jim roulf's for that matter..because it certainly is :"OK" to murder and conspire to defraud and mis lead
your co-workers or any one .. for any reason..

it won't surprise me when some one walkin to the company and shoots any number of those people

Dan okfe "employee attitude survey in the 1985" preceeded the biggest layoff , where as roger cook said he and everyone else didn't know dan o keefe was going to do that..
getting rid of the people who had 5 years or more so they wouldn't get vested in any retirement.

and then a month later hiring new people ..

it's no wonder TP and the gang at Sexton Espec told me that dan K brought a new and greater level of deceite to to industry.

But Ron Wiles told me in 2000 or so that his father started Sexton Espec,

Ron Willey told me way back when he worked in Cabinet that he was a good liar..

I guess he likes to believe his dad was something he wasn't

like most liers i met he likes to believe lies also..

when he dies and go to Hell it won't surprise me..

in the bible in Revelation 18';6 or 18

All liars will find their place in the lake of fire..

(even Bill and hilery clinton..) ha

When Tom Bannish was on the west coast i have never been surrounded by such a big and changing group of liars thieves and embezzlers and slanders..

and when i filed a case with the labor commision .. employee harresment was intensified..

Do you know the number of people that Tom Bannish harressed and drummed out??

Well tom patterson said that "either u go along with their lies or they attack you!!"

it is actually going to be a good thing when they

and a number of other'are dead.. because as they demenstrated .. perverts breed perverts..perverting the truth is OK



But, there is another standard, advocated by God's adversary, Satan.

Satan has always wanted people to act in rebellion against God's commandments.
In fact, Satanism has always advocated a complete set of rules of conduct that are opposite of Christian, or Biblical values.

Clinton's actions constitute Satanism; at this point, many people will roll their eyes upward in the head, sigh, and accuse me of being stupid, ill-informed, or a religious radical for saying such a thing.

Why would they feel this way? Because they have not studied the hard, cold facts. Plus, they would naturally resist accepting such a position, because they might be challenged to change their own behavior!
Satanism is not just nasty, evil people meeting in the middle of a night in which the moon is full, chanting spells, and sacrificing animals or humans.
At its foundation, Satanism is a system of morality that is the opposite of Biblical teaching. Let us examine this value system of
Satanism more closely now, quoting from an authoritative source, Anton LaVey's "Satanic Bible".

moral degeneration

As before, Satanism is much more than being hooded in a coven during a Full Moon ceremony. Satanism is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, as we have already shown.

Once you understand the truth that today's America is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, you will understand that we are already prepared to accept Antichrist.
Now, we can understand the sentiment uttered above, by a college senior, that the

"President's sex life is none of our business",

or that sentiment uttered by another, who said that the President's sex life is "irrelevant to performing his job".
What this tells you is that these people have the same Satanic personal values as does President Clinton.

Since so many Americans apparently share this value system,
the "sheep are ready to shear", i.e., the American people are ready to be enslaved under Antichrist.
I think you have gotten the point by now.

America has changed her formerly Christian values to Satanic ones, without any one understanding what has happened.
But, now that you know, can you see that President Clinton is merely acting out in his life, in his body, the normal inclinations for any good Satanist?
And, can you see that those people who think what he is doing is "normal", or who excuse it in any way, or who express their desire to sleep with the President, are also subscribing to Satanism?

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