Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jesus said: If a blind man leads a blind man, they both fall into a pit

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Nag Hammadi Coptic Text


(34) Jesus said: If a blind man leads a blind man, they both fall into a pit.

(34) Jesus said, "If a blind person leads a blind person both will fall into a hole."

39 [34]. Jesus says: "If a blind man leads another blind man, both of them fall into a ditch."

Funk's Parallels

Luke 6:39, Matt 15:10-20.

Visitor Comments

If you do not have the correct understanding of God's word and then preach your beliefs to another you will lead them to false beliefs.
- seeker of truth

Only a teacher can teach a pupil. Self-teaching is impossible because the would-be aspirant lacks the lower [basic] development. Only somebody who has walked the path [tariqa, way] knows the path. And because he/she HAS walked that path be can lead the obedient aspirant.
- Thief37

Everyone who does not understand and teaches is a murderer, for you take the very everlasting life that a person could have attained. You work iniquity, and whoever you teach will follow. Both of you will taste death.
- Random

Sure, the blind may tag along with those who see (they're called "disciples"), but they're still blind and in no qualified position to lead other blind people around, regardless of assertions that they can see perfectly fine.
- Jonnylucid
Scholarly Quotes

Robert M. Grant and David Noel Freedman write: "This saying is derived from Matthew 15:14; for its substance is presented as a question in Luke 6:39. It follows Saying 34, because the mention of 'light' in that saying leads Thomas to think of sight or the lack of it." (The Secret Sayings of Jesus, p. 151)

Funk and Hoover write: "This saying has the earmarks of a proverb. As prudential wisdom, it would be appropriate on the lips of almost any sage and it could have entered the tradition at almost any point." (The Five Gospels, p. 492)

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